Importantly, this is not where my vacation is. I’m just at home, living in a frozen hellscape waiting for spring. But I’m pretending this is where I am.
Hey, everyone, thanks for stopping by.
I’m on vacation this week, and after 55 weeks of continuous posting, I decided to take a bit of a break to focus my time on my top priority: my family. So, between consuming my wife’s baking, playing with my kids and generally not doing anything of any value to humanity (mostly playing video games) know that I’m spending my time just recharging for a bit.
I’ll be back next week with some thoughts on why prioritization is even more important in an IT role than you might expect (and why you’re already probably great at it!)
In the meantime, I do still have some questions for reflection for you:
One of my top four food groups during vacation.
Why is it that homemade brownies are just always better than store-bought brownies?
Is it still Calvinball if your kids change the rules in the middle of the game, but their name isn’t Calvin?
How much longer do you have to play your kids’ Nintendo than they do before you become a jerk?