Welcome to my blog. I talk about all things tech & leadership.
Aside from my almost obligatory (yet still very true) statement that I am deeply appreciative to be a part of this incredible community - I’m not going to talk about why I feel so honored each time “the list” is announced. Instead, my intent today is to talk about something that I feel passionately about: why you should seek to hire a vExpert.
While I often wax optimistic about the future of technology and how we just keep getting better and better tools at our disposal, I don’t necessarily share that optimism for printing. I have every expectation that this blog post will be as valid in 2032 as it is in 2022 – because it was valid in 2012 and 2002. Printers sucked before the GUI and continue to suck in the “post-PC” era.
Then almost before I realized it was happening, I hugged my seven-year-old little girl as they wheeled her away down the hall to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. To say you feel powerless when you watch your child rolled away from you and be in the hands of doctors in a room that you cannot see, where you know they are going to intentionally inflict wounds - albeit in the service of helping her - is a gross oversimplification.
This transition is hitting me a little harder than I thought it would. It turns out that a huge piece of my life – both in terms of chronology and raw hours dedicated – has been spent with VMUG. On top of that, having served in this role has been a large piece of my public identity; ‘VMUG President’ is currently the first line on my LinkedIn and Twitter bios. I have been a VMUG member for about a third of my life, and a Leader in some capacity for about a quarter. I’ve never been particularly good at “endings,” and the more I’ve enjoyed something the harder the ending is to swallow. And make no mistake - I have enjoyed serving our members immensely these past three years.
On this side of 1000 consecutive workout days, I feel like I’ve learned a few things both about exercise and (not surprisingly if you’ve read this blog before) about working in IT. I’d like to share some of those thoughts with you, if you don’t mind.